WFHS Football
Athletic Clearance Instructions
All athletes must complete an online Athletic Clearance as one of their requirements. Below you will find the instructions for completing this requirement. Once submitted, the Athletic Director will verify we have all the information needed and clear the student for sports participation at West Florida High School. n
Athletic Clearance must be completed ASAP
Athletic Clearance Form Online (open date TBA)​
Follow the steps and complete all sections required.
Click here for a step by step guide with pictures:
On the files section of the Athletic Clearance, you will need to upload page 4 of your physical to the first file box (EL2 Pre-Participation Physical).
If you did not take a picture of this before turning in to the Director of Operations, email and one will be forwarded back to you.
Download the following file to upload in the last file box (Annual Consent to Student Drug Screening). This should allow you to submit your completed form. Using this file will allow you to skip the notary section.
If the player did not watch the following three videos with the team, please watch and send the certificates to You do not need to upload these to the Athletic Clearance. The AD will verify this is completed through the Director of Operations.
Once submitted, a confirmation letter will be emailed to you.